I. Health delivery
- All people in custody should receive a standard of health care no
lower than the standard available to the broader communityIn particular drug treatment, access to treatment and its quality should be at
least up to the standard available in the community at large.Because of the congregation in prison of people with substantially greater
health problems than the community at large there is a need for a particularly
high quality and concentrated level of health care to apply in prisons.50% of intravenous drug users test positive for hepatitis C infection;
The rate of HIV and AIDS infection among prisoners is likely to be much
greater than the general community because of the high proportion of
intravenous drug users in the prison population.The community at large has a major interest in effective health strategies for
prisons to prevent the spread of such diseases through sexual partners and
children of prisoners.That prisoners should receive health care of the same standard as is available
in the community reflects the key principles of the Australian Medical
Association, the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody,
National HIV/AIDS Strategy and the approach already adopted for ACT
correctional institutions.
Prisoner Welfare – Principles for the operation of a prison in the Australian Capital Territory